we can do everything which we want to do!!!
handsomeyhl's Articles
July 18, 2004 by handsomeyhl
the source is : #include int year; void shuxiang(int num) {int z; z=num%12; switch(z) {case 1:printf("rat");break; case 2:printf("cow");break; case 3:printf("tiger");break; case 4:printf("rabbit");break; case 5:printf("dragon");break; case 6:printf("snake");break; case 7:printf("horse");break; case 8:printf("sheep");break; case 9:printf("monkey");break; case 10:printf("chicken");break; case...
June 5, 2004 by handsomeyhl
oh ,my god this termi would be over very surely ,but i haven't learned anything about my specialty .because i don't want to learn these ,i want to learn computer technology,what can i do ,can you tell me ...........
June 4, 2004 by handsomeyhl